Museo Carnico delle Arti popolari ‘Michele Gortani’

The Carnic Museum of Popular Arts is housed in the rooms of the seventeenth-century Palazzo Campeis, in the historic centre of Tolmezzo. The material on display illustrates all aspects of the life, traditions and art of Carnia from the 14th to the 19th centuries: the wealth of objects and testimonies is such that the Carnic Museum can really be considered one of the most important ethnographic museums of the Alps. Inside, the halls are arranged following the reconstruction of the original rooms: you can admire the kitchen with the “fogolâr” (hearth), the rooms with finely carved or inlaid wardrobes and chests, the dining room,as well as the blacksmith’s, carpenter’s and brass maker’s workshops. There are also sections dedicated to traditional artefacts, such as wrought irons, ancient clocks, fabrics, embroidery and folk costumes. You can also admire the rich collection of portraits of the Ciceri donation. Among the curiosities, a rich collection of masks and a valuable collection of musical instruments.

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